The way money is distributed in CS engine is a bit complicated. But a clear understanding of the money system is of extreme importance, especially to the strat-caller of the team.Here I have made an humble attempt to break it down as simply as possible.
1. Winning a round as CT always fetches you 3250 $ each irrespective of how you win the round--whether its a target save, whole opponent team elimination or defusing the bomb. However, as T if you win the round with the c4 blasting the team gets 3500 $ each.
2. Losing the first round fetches you 1400 $ and 500 $ (losing bonus) extra for every subsequent loss. But if your first lost round is after a win the counter starts from 1500 $. The maximum amount that you reach is 3500 $. Every bomb plant fetches each team member 800 $ (if at all they proceed to lose the round).
3. The losing bonus gets reset in either of the two ways. Firstly, if you win a round in-between. Secondly, if you save out ie. if you are not dead after losing the round. The one who saves out doesnt get the round money. However if the save out losing round is after a win, then the losing bonus doesnt get reset but the upper limit reduces to 3000 $.
4. There are two conditions where the save out doesnt count. Firstly, if you, as CT, die in the c4 blast. Secondly, if you, as T, manage to escape but the c4 gets defused.
5. Always type your balance in the freezetime before buying so that the team-leader can call whether or not to go for an eco. Also you can avoid going for a full buy when your rest of the team is broke and are probably going for an eco.
6. Always try to make your opponents save-out although aiming at reducing the no to as low as possible. When you yourself are going for a save-out keep in mind the financial condition of your team and also the gun that you are saving is really worth saving in the given situation.
7. If you have a balance of 10000 $ or above offer to buy guns fo your team-mates. Because of the fact that you can possess a max amount of 16000 $ consecutive wins wont be of much benefit. Rather buying guns for your team-mates would provide the scope of increasing the avg balance of the team.
8. If you are dropping guns for your team-mates, dont buy until you make sure that the person has no guns to drop, that you might prefer to play with. And always remember that ammo is non-tranferable.
good one :D